

Wedding Client Print Club

I’m really excited to unveil the “Print of the Year Club” for all my wedding clients. If you have known me for anytime, you know I have a huge passion for [intlink id=”fine-art-gallery” type=”page”]Fine Art and Landscape photography[/intlink]. Well, each year every one of my wedding clients  will receive a FREE 10×15 print (5×15 or 8.5×15 in the case of panoramas), matted and signed by me. This is merely a constant “Thank You” for choosing me to document your wedding.The best part is, the clients get to vote for the winner! I will post 5 pictures and everyone will vote […]

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The Wee Ones

I thought I’d post a few more of my favorites from this weekend camping trip. The one to the left was taken by Nana Akins while I was swimming over to the other side to get a few shots of Seasha going off the rope swing. Mind you, this was after I had drowned my iPhone the day before! The other photos below are of Laura and Seasha’s wee ones. The little ones were playing in the mud puddles right after a big lightning storm passed through. And I was lubed up enough with beer to go and play and […]

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A Weird, Watery Weekend!

I’m not even sure I can present a story that fully illustrates the crazy roller coaster of a weekend I had, so I’ll keep it to a simple narrative. Friday: I was very excited to start heading out to Krause Springs, where myself and some fellow photographers from an online photo group were going to get together and do a TTD (Trash The Dress) session with a couple models for portfolio type work, and just to have fun and meet each other. On my way out for a pre-trip errand, I noticed that I missed a call. I check the […]

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Rain, A Blessing For Weddings

The last time it rained while I was at a wedding, I was in a little town called San Juanico in Baja California on a surf trip. San Juanico is just a dusty, and dirty fishing village about 800 miles south of San Diego, and is renowned for it’s very long right hand point break. The break is called Scorpion Bay and has attracted a small American ex-pat community. On this particular trip I was honored to be invited to attend the wedding reception for one of the surfer ex-pats and a local girl roughly half his age. The day […]

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My Bestfriend is Getting Married

“Back in the day” as they say, is when I met Chris Elders. We met each other while working in a live/work loft on 12th and J Street in San Diego. He and his sister Tanya were running Ignite My Site, a small web development firm in the front and living in the back at the time. When I moved into one of the open units, and we became neighbors, a strong friendship began to form. He introduced me to the magic of “House” music, and Landmark Education. And I like to think that I helped him strengthen his eye […]

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Free Album April

Hi All, April is here once again. And I’m a little behind on updates, but it’s time for Free Album April… Here are the details: In addition to the album you get in your package you can get either- 1 Free 10×10 duplicate wedding album, or 2 Free 5×5 parent albums. Each are a $900 value. And of course I would only use the best album binder in the world, Leather Craftsmen. This will be valid only for signed contracts through April. Give me a call, so we can get you all set up! William 512.438.9662

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How to Smooth Out the Recession for Big Business

Note: I know this a bit out of the realm of a wedding photographer, but this idea is just so simple it could work. Hey Big Business, I know you’ve laid off lot’s of people in the past few months. And as an entrepreneur, I understand the need to control costs. But what if you could control your costs, keep your employees (even strengthen their loyalty to your company), and possibly increase your revenue during this slow down? How? Eliminate your advertising budget. Then proclaim to your employees your undying devotion to keeping them on staff. While you’re at it, […]

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10 Marketing Techniques for Wedding Photographers

I’ve been doing a lot of meditating, brainstorming and reading about effective marketing and promotion for my wedding photography business. What I’ve concluded is that it all boils down to relationships. This is a bit of a revelation for me, as I have spent the majority of my 20’s burning bridges, and stubbornly thinking I could do everything on my own, while hiding behind my computer. I agree with Seth Godin‘s marketing mantra of “You can’t buy attention.” And since all print advertising is doing is shouting “Look at me, look at me,” you have as much a chance of […]

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The San Diego Trip

I had a chance to run home to San Diego for a few days over Christmas. Here are a few pictures from the trip. The first two were from a small town in Texas on I-10 just as the sun was setting. The next five were taken at White Sands National Monument. Unfortunately, I ended up having to go home early when Heather’s dog, Moen, had to be put down. I really miss him. On the way back I grabbed a sunset in the Imperial Valley, and a Sun/Moonrise on the I-10 coming back into Texas. It was a bitter […]

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I Was Interviewed for a Documentary, and the Importance of Local Economy

12th and Lamar in Austin is a strange nexus point in the universe, much the way that the Red Rocks of Sedona, AZ is a portal to a different time and place. The cosmic strings weave deeply there. And just a week ago, those intangible forces showed their glowing heads for a visit once again. Nexus Occurance #1: I had come to tell my friend Carissa at Flora & Fauna that I would accept her offer of the office space in the back (I know it’s huge news, and it deserves it’s own post), and when I showed up Adrianne […]

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