A Weird, Watery Weekend!

I’m not even sure I can present a story that fully illustrates the crazy roller coaster of a weekend I had, so I’ll keep it to a simple narrative.


I was very excited to start heading out to Krause Springs, where myself and some fellow photographers from an online photo group were going to get together and do a TTD (Trash The Dress) session with a couple models for portfolio type work, and just to have fun and meet each other.

On my way out for a pre-trip errand, I noticed that I missed a call. I check the voice mail, and chills begin running down my spine. The voice on the message said, ” Hello William, This is Grace Ormonde… Give me a call back. I’d like to talk to you.

It was all I could do to keep the car on the road! For those that don’t know, Grace Ormonde is the woman behind Grace Ormonde’s Wedding Style, a high-style wedding magazine. I had submitted a [intlink id=”marlene-brian” type=”post”]wedding I had photographed[/intlink] a few months to just get a gauge for where my photography matched up to everyone else that was submitting. And she just called me… I had to collect myself for a few minutes, and then made the call back.

We talked for at least twenty minutes about the funny post I wrote about my odds of getting published with her, how much she loved my fine art portrait work, and that she wants to see my next submission.
*Note: Some of the work below may be part of that next submission

After I got off the phone, I had to call my photo BFF here in town Maria Bernal and I made her guess who I just talked to… She wasn’t very good at that game, I had to tell her. I could barely walk my knees were so weak! I also called my Mom, and I posted to my Flickr group of wedding photographers.

And I was still excited about camping and the TTD session!

I am the first one out to Krause Springs since it’s just a short 40 minutes from Austin, and Laura Burlton and her family were coming from Houston. The others weren’t coming until Saturday. I set up my own camp, and then began a recon mission and found some amazing places to photograph.
Laura and her family arrived, and I went to meet her and Alex her husband and two little girls. We got their camp all set up and then ran down to jump in the swimming hole to cool off.

And then…

I jumped into the swimming hole with my keys and my iPhone still in my pockets!!!

I did not realize this for 10 minutes!At which point I could only hope that it would dry out and work again.

After speaking to Grace Ormonde, there was not much that could have dampened my high, but drowning a phone that I had paid $400 for came really close.


After a great nights sleep in my tent, I woke up with the sun. Laura had slipped off and came back with some coffee to share. Our model Seasha (who Laura and myself both know separately) arrived shortly after with her wee ones, and one more photographer from the group, Nana Aikins, showed up, and we went off to shoot.

We photographed for about an hour (photos below) and it began to rain. I hadn’t put my rain fly on the tent the night before, and when I got back I had a soaked sleeping back and a puddle on the downhill side of my tent.

The four of us gathered under a metal cover and drank beer as a lightning storm began to pass through (no one said it was smart). We polished off 4 beers each, while the kids played in the mud puddles, and then decided it was time for a BBQ lunch at Opie’s Barbecue in Spicewood. It rained while we ate delicious brisket and sausage and chicken.

Then it was time for another round of photos in a different dress. We had another model lined up, as well as a couple other photographer friends that had planned to come out, but the rain ruled them out. Our afternoon session was a lot of fun.

Nana had to leave a little early, and when we wrapped up photographing Seasha invited us over to her house where she found us places to sleep, I threw together a big stockpot of chicken soup and we all sat around, chatted, looked at some of the photos, and enjoyed everyones company until we all fell asleep.


Sunday was a lazy day. We all had to leave, but we delayed that as long as we could. After a delicious egg and sausage scramble that Seasha whipped up, we all went down to her parents pool, and watched the kids swim and play. Slowly, we all got ready and headed off to our separate lives once again.

I had a great time, with some great people.
I took part in a kick butt TTD session.
I lost my phone, but not before Grace Ormonde called me.
This weekend may have been my strangest/weirdest/funnest ever!

Enjoy the photos.

Bridal, Trash The Dress (TTD) Krause Springs, Austin TX

Bridal, Trash The Dress (TTD) Krause Springs, Austin TX

Bridal, Trash The Dress (TTD) Krause Springs, Austin TX

Bridal, Trash The Dress (TTD) Krause Springs, Austin TX


9 responses to “A Weird, Watery Weekend!”

  1. Love the fourth picture down…I swear sometime in my life I will do a TTD…even if I have to hire someone!

  2. Thanks for the comment Rachael! I just made some changes and the #4 picture is now #2.
    I really appreciate your comment.
    I’d like to see your TTD session when you do it!

  3. Tehan...J Avatar

    Not surprised in the least…you and I have had great things occur while just speaking on the phone together. Fantastic news, in our last conversation you mentioned her.
    But alas my Jedi Master….I am saddened and shamed to learn of your new BFF…I better be your Santa Fe BFF.

  4. Wonderful images William! Must be nice to shoot some landscape portraiture in Austin. Beautiful!

  5. holycrap freaking luv this!

  6. You are stunning in these photos…what a great idea and they picked the right girl for these photos.

  7. Love the feel of these black and whites. Really great work.

  8. Dude, this set is amazing!! Lots of texture and the composition is fantastic. Great choice of making them B&W.

  9. These TTD photos are so beautiful. The reflection one is my favourite! They are very moving to look at – your real good at capturing the beautiful landscape!

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