Grace Ormonde Submission and the Odds of Getting Published

Grace Ormonde - Wedding StyleI just sent off a beautiful wedding I shot in October off to the always sexy and glamorous Grace Ormonde – Wedding Style for review and possible acceptance for the Fall issue!!!

I found out the submission requirements a couple weeks ago and have been frantically preparing it for the March 1st deadline.
And, I finally dropped it off at the customer service black hole, called the downtown FedEx today!

As far as my odds of getting published in Wedding Style, I figure there will be about 1,500 other photographers submitting, and we’re all vying for the 6 Featured Wedding spots, So that means I’ve got a 1 in 250 chance of getting in. Alright!!!

Based off of those odds, I have a better chance with Grace Ormonde than:
Being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1
Scoring a hole in one in golf: 5,000 to 1
Dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1
Dying from a mountain lion attack in California: 32,000,000 to 1
Having a meteor land on your house: 182,138,880,000,000 to 1
Being considered possessed by Satan: 7,000 to 1

And that stuff happens ALL THE TIME!!!

Cross your fingers and wish me luck.


7 responses to “Grace Ormonde Submission and the Odds of Getting Published”

  1. […] published: I’m working on this one right now. I swung for the fence, by trying to get into Grace Ormonde – Wedding Style. If I get in, I will be truly stoked, if not I will keep trying. I already have my next shoots […]

  2. Well GOOD LUCK hun!!!!

  3. Hahaha!!! this is truly a great and funny post!

  4. AWESOME post! Hope you get in!

  5. I love your post. I like your odds!

  6. Thanks everybody. I’ll write a post about her call soon.

  7. […] talked for at least twenty minutes about the funny post I wrote about my odds of getting published with her, how much she loved my fine art portrait work, and that she wants to see my next submission. *Note: […]

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