Category: Rebuilding Thailand

  • The Drugs Don’t Work

    In paradise I think one is prone to adopt a flavor of carefree living. A lot is forgotten including our own human-ness and fraility as humans. Ben is 18, he is from England. I doubt he ever thought that in this paradise he would have to confront that fraility. But there I was, watching him…

  • Rain, Rain, Rain and More Rain. Oh, and Some More

    It’s rained off and on since I arrived in Southern Thailand. A little storm here, a little 20 minute shower there. But this was something else!!! It started just as the rest had, a light fall in the afternoon The view from my porch at 5 in the morning during the first storm of the…

  • Live By The Motor Bike – Die By The Motor Bike

    ‘Life is great’ I think to myself as I tool on down the paved jungle road to the beach on my motorbike. I’ve got Nikki, this blonde, busty knockout from Holland, on the back and the beer in the basket on the front. We are heading down to one of the beaches to meet up…

  • Muay Thai Kru William

    Before I left, Chris and I have been doing Muay Thai for about a year. And I was excited by the fact that I\’d be here and could perhaps learn Muay Thai when I wasn\’t building houses. Well I found out that the only place to learn Muay Thai was entirely wiped out by the…

  • Thap Tawan Village (I’ve Never Been So Dark In My Life)

    I’ve been put to work right away at a Sea Gypsy village that lost all their homes, most of the livestock, and many lives. We are building 42 homes to replace the ones lost. There have been a lot of interesting characters in the village; Seewai one of the elders of the village is this…

  • A Tale Of Two Cities

    Tokyo, Japan The first leg of my trip had me land in Tokyo, Japan. It was a real thrill for me to visit Japan because I was born here 28 years ago. I left when I was 1 ½ (well, with a little help from my parents). I don\’t remember anything because I was just…

  • Almost gone… Almost gone….

    Hi everybody!!! I’m still here! Did I ruin the anticipation of photos of exotic Bangkok? So sorry. I fly out of LAX on the 1st of March now. Next Tuesday!!! It’s really close and I have a lot to do. I need to shop for a few more items, finish 3 more sets of plans,…

  • Well It’s Official

    Shock Well they say the trip starts when you get your ticket. I got mine yesterday!!! I was really excited about it. I got my ticket, got my second series of shots, sold my surfboard. Everything was fine until I got home tonight and I noticed my couches were gone. There was nothing wrong with…

  • OUCH!!!! That hurts!

    Well a little update for you all. I just got my immunization shots and boy it hurts not my arm but my bank account. I think the shots were more than what I’ll spend on my plane ticket!!! But rest assured I could lay on a bed of rusty nails while drinking untreated water from…

  • The Mission at Hand

    Dear Family, Friends, Collegues, Clients, You are receiving this email because you have been in my life to some extent, be it small or great. I would like to share this with you all, thank you for reading. I have been so moved by the devastation in the Indian Ocean that I want to go…