Muay Thai Kru William

Before I left, Chris and I have been doing Muay Thai for about a year. And I was excited by the fact that I\’d be here and could perhaps learn Muay Thai when I wasn\’t building houses. Well I found out that the only place to learn Muay Thai was entirely wiped out by the tsunami. So I decided to take it on to workout on my own continuing the basics I was taught by Brandon at City Boxing. Well, things lead to other things and I\’ve found myself teaching the sport to other volunteers as an after work activity. It\’s been great. I\’ve had about 6 people really interested in the class and coming just about everyday I hold it. I even went down to Phuket and got some (Bao Thai) Thai kick pads for working out.

What could be better than working out looking out into a jungle right near the beach!!!

Who knows! maybe I\’ll open a new Muay Thai Gym Here.


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