Almost gone… Almost gone….

Hi everybody!!! I’m still here!
Did I ruin the anticipation of photos of exotic Bangkok? So sorry. I fly out of LAX on the 1st of March now. Next Tuesday!!! It’s really close and I have a lot to do. I need to shop for a few more items, finish 3 more sets of plans, sell all my stuff and store the rest in 5 days!!! Crazy huh? If you have some time you can devote to helping me please let me know I appreciate any help as it get’s nearer and nearer. Also I have a number of items to sell, please see below.

Yay!!! The Boys have a home.
It was coming down to the wire to find a home for my kitties. But my friend Thomas has agreed to watch them for the year. I know he will be a great pet owner. And I already have people asking for visitation rights. HaHa. Seems like Kazoo and B-Side were putting on their charming side at the party. Speaking of which….

The Party…
An epic party!!! One that will go down in the annals of our Party History book. There were so many great people there Chris, Gina and I had such an incredible time. I would like to get some photos from people if they have them. I know there were some cameras floating around and Iike to get them up for people to look at. I met cool new people and old friends showed up and made an appearance. We had people so little that needed to wear diapers and people that were in their 60’s!!! HaHa. Where else do you get such an awesome range of wonderful peoples? The DJ’s Andrew Chan and Matt (DJ Shugar) Loney did an incredible job. I am taking some of Matt’s mixes with me for the thai people. If you want their info let me know.

All in all, It was such a beautiful way to say goodbye to you all. Thank you for making it such a special night! I love you all.

(Here’s one picture… I don’t remember where Viviana’s other hand is but I think it has something to do with my expression…. ; )

Things winding down?… Hardly
I have 3 projects that I will be finishing as I step on the plane practically!!! HaHa. I have been getting so much done and am looking forward to sleeping a long time on my way to Tokyo where I will stay 2 or 3 days with a friend and visit the place I was born. Then it’ll be on to Bangkok!!! I will be there also for a few days. My plan is to buy a motorcycle and ride down to Khao Lak.

I’ve been Blessed…
I was blessed last night by a Buddhist Monk!!! Andrew Chan set up the ceremony at his temple. It was really cool! The monk, dressed in the most vibrant orange robes, held a cord around me and prayed and chanted and expelled all the bad demons away from me (At least that’s what I think he did, everything was in the Lao language which is similar to Thai). Then he splashed holy water on me while I knelt to the ground. And then tied a good luck bracelet around my wrist and gave me a Buddha medallion. It was very spiritually uplifting and refreshing!!!
It was a bit bizarre at one point when the monk pulled out his ringing cell phone from his very vivid garment and answered his phone right there!!! HaHa I guess you can’t escape technology huh?
Andrew himself, whose given Thai name is Anousone Chanthavixay, will be entering the Temple as a Monk himself for one week! That’s right he will shave his head a eyebrows and won’t be able to flirt or touch women. One week without a womans touch??? That’d kill me!!! Haha.
Andrew is doing this in tribute to his mother that past away three years ago. Way to go Andrew!!! My blessings are with you and your mother. Khab Kuhn Mak (Thank you very much)

Stuff to get rid of.

It’s kind of weird to say i’m selling all my wordly possesions. I feel Like I’m the one becoming a Monk. Haha. I do have a lot of stuff to get rid of and so does Chris. If you need something we might have it. Give me a call or shoot me an email. I have a partial list here with some pics.
Craigslist Ad
Please let me know if there is something you would like.

Please Help!!!
HaHa… It’s getting tight and I don’t want to push my departure back anymore if you have some spare time to assist in me getting out of here I would greatly appreciate it. Tasks could be anything from cleaning and throwing stuff away to making calls for me. Please give me a call and let me know. Thank you so much!!!

Until Next Time…
I believe I will be in Tokyo or Bangkok the next time I write. Please continue to send words of encouragement. I love you all!!!


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