
  • New Design Coming, and a Personal Challenge

    The Design I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about who I am as a photographer lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that my current site doesn’t reflect what my photography is about. The current design has been up for almost 2 years now and that also has me clamoring for a redesign. As…

  • Fun With Photography

    Fun With Photography

    I’ve had an idea I’ve been toying with in my head for awhile, and I wanted to try it in real world application. Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in San Diego, perfect for a day of fun experimentations. I grabbed my big tripod and headed out to Sunset Cliffs to play in the afternoon…

  • Come See Me Talk About WordPress

    I’m very excited to be putting together my very first speaking gig. I will be speaking to the Professional Photographers of San Diego County on December 7th from 9am-5pm. I’ll be covering a lot of information about blogging in general, how to get started, the benefits to WordPress as your blogging and website engine, search…

  • September PPSDC Print Competition

    Print competition is here again. Yay!!! At PPSDC (Professional Photographers of San Diego County), we hold 5 print competitions per year with a full panel of Master PPA Judges. And I truly love submitting my work, and hearing the critiques and discovering where I can get better in my photography. And this year, it just…

  • I’m the new 2nd Vice President of PPSDC

    When I moved back to San Diego, I made a conscious effort to find the local PPA affiliate. I felt after my experience in Austin, at the APPA, that it was super important to find other Photographers and develop relationships with them. It’s only through each other that we grow, and push each other and excel at our craft.…

  • Hot Summer Nights… Again!

    Hot Summer Nights… Again!

    Last year’s Hot Summer Nights free engagement photography session contest was very popular. And I’ve decided to do it one more time for this summer, which is guaranteed to be a scorcher with all the hot couples here in San Diego. This year I am limiting it to two couples and one drawing period ending…

  • Untouchable. Aka: Paul Caponigro’s Bride

    Untouchable. Aka: Paul Caponigro’s Bride

    I’ve had an overwhelming response to my last post about my entry in the latest PPSDC print competition. Some of it was very supportive and some was very critical about my comments and unprofessional attitude towards losing the print competition. I believe both ends have very valid messages. I will admit, I was very frustrated…

  • Robbed!

    Honestly I was hoping to be writing this blog post in celebration. And maybe I should warn you, I may come off as a whiny, spoiled and misunderstood artist as you read this. And, I know a lot of you have been waiting to see this big secret I’ve been brewing since I was in…

  • Stewart Family | Destination Family Photography | Austin, TX

    Stewart Family | Destination Family Photography | Austin, TX

    I was in Texas a few weeks back for a wedding in Houston, which worked out well for a number of photoshoots I had planned in Austin, as well as a nice “last minute” request from an old friend Jenn Stewart (who I knew in Austin, but also in San Diego from years back when…

  • Jessa – Austin Shoot

    Jessa – Austin Shoot

    I had been wanting to work with Jessa for awhile. She is a model in Austin and has worked with some very talented photographers. She’s really great with fine art modeling, and has incredible eyes, which is why I wanted to work with her in the first place. My original concept for Jessa was the…