A New Beginning

I started giving it some thought as my own wedding approached. I had the other Heather in my life, Heather Van Gaale from San Diego flying in soon and we were talking often. We would reminisce about the hijinx we would get into while shooting weddings together. That’s fun. That’s exciting. That’s why I started shooting weddings, for the energy and the great photos you can get from each wedding. Maybe it’s just one photo that blows your mind from any given event, but every Saturday you photographed was one of the best Saturdays ever for a group of people. And that was fun to be a part of.

After being gone for a year in Thailand, and living in Austin for another 18 months I recognized I missed it.

In that light I’ve decided to throw my hat back into the ring and dust off the camera, and possibly document some of those Saturdays.