Thank you, thank you, thank you.

DSCF3569-EditI’m writing this post watching the Monday Night Football game, all bundled up, very sick with the flu after my trip to Texas, (wow, I hope it isn’t the swine flu…) It was a very difficult week with only one day of rest, but very rewarding. Despite coming ill, I feel that during this past week I’ve produced the best work of my life.

That being said, I’d like to take the time to say “Thank You” to a number of people that made my trip, and the soon to come photos, possible.

First and formost I’d like to thank Huong and Ben Crouch, (pictured above), my clients in Houston for having me photograph their wedding. That extends to the Crouch and Nguyen families for their hospitality. The Nguyen’s were so accommodating and looking out for anything we needed. And the Crouch’s, for whom this is my second wedding (I photographed Meg’s wedding to Don Lichay on July 17, 2004), are a family full of love. And I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Thank you to Maria Bernal and her husband Eric for putting me up in their house in Austin for the week. They were incredible hosts and took care of every need I had while in town. Eric is a rediculously great guy who bent over backwards for me when I needed help. And Maria has always been there for me as a friend/mentor, and this trip was no different.

Thank you to Chris Lin who not only second shot for me in Houston, but also assisted me with three of my conceptual fine art bridal shots in Austin. He was outstanding as a technical and lighting advisor, worked like a madman to help me get the shots and had the endurance to go Friday, Saturday and Sunday on just few hours of sleep. If you are a photographer in Austin, Chris is the man and you should grab him up quick.

Thank you to Gina at La Chatuise Couture and Lori at Elle Couture Designs for the dresses. I’m very honored to have them on loan for my shoots.

Thank you to Edythe Blackwell at BWC Photo Imaging for the insanely fast turnaround of the 20×40 canvas of the above image. Edythe, I will be ordering another print from you for my next print comp.

Thank you to Carissa at Flora and Fauna for the bouquets, (cross your fingers Carissa).

Thank you to my models; Jessa, Kareena and Max. I put them through freezing cold tempertures, long wait times and situations that often made no sense at the time. The girls were troopers the whole time.

Thank you to Mike, Trevin and the whole bunch at Spider House for letting me take over and do a full photoshoot in front of their bar.

Thank you to Nathan Johns for loaning out his ladder and Gorilla Pod.

Thank you to Sarah Limerick for letting me use her Montero while in Austin.

Last but not least are two special women in San Diego, my Mom has been there from the start and has always will be a great source of support.
And my Dear Friend, Marne who was always there by phone or text message for inspiration when the road got rough.

On a final note, I had the privilege to see Maria kick off her speaking tour at the Austin PPA meeting while in town. She said something that really stuck with me: No one accomplishes anything solely by themselves, and that she is where she is now because of the people she has around her, she then thanked her hair and make-up artists, model, and her core group of photographer friends at the end.
This has rung with me all week long. In my 18 years of photography, I’m confident that I’m doing the best work ever, and I owe it all to these people… Thank you all, from the bottom, to the very top of my heart.


2 responses to “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  1. LOVE that shot William! Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to talk to me on the phone and try to help me with my wordpress problems. I got it all fixed now! 🙂 Thanks again!

  2. You’re welcome Amanda. I’m really glad you like the photo. We had a lot of fun shooting that day despite the rain.
    I got your email too, and I’m happy you got your WordPress issue resolved.

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