Tag: Marketing

  • A Tale of Two Berms

    A Tale of Two Berms

    If you’ve seen one of my prior posts about Nemotodes freely migrating across the border via the Tijuana River Channel, you may have seen my photos of the failed berm that the United States International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) put in place in the Spring of 2018. Now, let’s be clear. As it did…

  • Las Vegas Workshop

    Las Vegas Workshop

    My journeys into the desert are usually one of solace and being one with nature. This last trip was quite different. I was asked by the Vegas Pictage User Group to speak to them about WordPress and Search Engine Optimization for photographers. WordPress and S.E.O. are a couple topics I’ve been speaking about more and…

  • Standards for Green Photographers

    How to make Wedding Photography Green It seems I got some Photographer’s knickers in a bunch with a post about how we as [intlink id=”green-wedding-photography” type=”post”]wedding photographers and the photography industry in general fail in the realm of environmental responsibility[/intlink], and how their are a few Photographers that take advantage of the word “Green” in…

  • How to Smooth Out the Recession for Big Business

    Note: I know this a bit out of the realm of a wedding photographer, but this idea is just so simple it could work. Hey Big Business, I know you’ve laid off lot’s of people in the past few months. And as an entrepreneur, I understand the need to control costs. But what if you…

  • 10 Marketing Techniques for Wedding Photographers

    I’ve been doing a lot of meditating, brainstorming and reading about effective marketing and promotion for my wedding photography business. What I’ve concluded is that it all boils down to relationships. This is a bit of a revelation for me, as I have spent the majority of my 20’s burning bridges, and stubbornly thinking I…

  • In the top ten!!!

    After starting my business here in Austin, my goal has been to become one of the top ten wedding photographers in Austin. I believe that the photographic vision and talent that I have along with the energy and passion would accelerate my status right to the clouds. It came as a surprise as I was…

  • Great News & Great Shots

    Great News So I had mentioned that there were two pieces of great news a couple of weeks ago. The first, the t-shirts and clothing line of my photos was a huge hit. Everyone loved the shirts and they look great, I’m actually wearing my Dunes at Sunrise in Death Valley shirt now. I hope…