7 “Before the Wedding” Steps that Initiate a Successful Marriage

The keys to a great marriageI was doing some blog surfing this morning and found this great article on 7 “Before the Wedding” Steps that Initiate a Successful Marriage. It is, for the most part, a very logical look at the “when”, “how” and even the “why” of getting married. But I think that people in love are hardly ever logical when thinking about their love or commitment to each other.

One thing that most people will agree on is that they really only want to get married once, and it would be a huge blow to you and your future mate to need counseling shortly after your wedding. I personally believe that outside counseling should not be necessary for a successful marriage.

As long as you stay honest with each other, as the blog suggests, you and your partner will develop a stronger marriage.

And after you go through the list make sure you call me to photograph that upcoming wedding!!!


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