WPPI – Annual Vegas Shoot 2013

I just got back from my third year in a row at WPPI, (the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International). Each year a bunch of  photographers get together and congregate in Sin City to attempt to learn things. Mostly what happens is it turns into partying and a little bit of photography happens, and if we can squeeze in a little time, we might take a class or two.

This year, despite bringing a full camera bag, and about a pound of film, I ended up not shooting one single frame while I was there. I had some work to do for Flaunt Your Site, and I focussed a bit more on hitting some classes. My favorite this year was Gary Fong’s in which he essentially challenged us as an industry of photographers to stop copying each other and think for ourselves. I gave him a slow clap for that. Thanks Gary.

So while I don’t have pictures from this year, I do have quite a few from last year’s shoot that somehow just never made it up. So have a peek below and let me know what you think.


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