I won Best of Class Award for one of my Albums

DSCF2925Nudity must sway judges.

I’m really just kidding, but there were three guys and two gals on the judging panel at last night’s PPSDC Print/Album competition. I had entered one of my Leather Craftsmen albums that showcases a series of highly unique [intlink id=”san-diego-portrait-gallery” type=”page”]Fine Art Portraits[/intlink], a few of which were full nudes. So maybe they were swayed a little. 🙂

(One interesting thing of note, the other albums that were entered were Leather Craftsmen too. I keep telling everyone they’re the best around, go check out their stuff and then give them a call.)

I didn’t do so well with the print I submitted, so when they announced my score and that I had received Best in Class, I was Super Stoked!!!

The judges were a very strong group of photographers too. Three were from Orange County: Bleu Cotton, Janel Pahl and Frank Salas. There were two local judges as well Wendy Porter Francis and Doyle Terry.

I had a chance to meet and speak to Bleu and Frank, and they had some very encouraging things to say about my album and improvements I can make to my print. So if you happen to read this Bleu and Frank, Thank you!

Oh… and I can’t forget to mention that I met Dennis Nezbit from Bay Photo Labs, (which I don’t own). I joked that we should do some Co-Branding though. But he must have been impressed with my showing cause he told me to call him for a free gift!!!Woo Hoo!

I think it was a decent showing for my first real judged competition in quite some time, and I made some great connections, and learned where I can make some positive improvements to my work. And isn’t that what it’s all about?


2 responses to “I won Best of Class Award for one of my Albums”

  1. Congrats on the award, it is well deserved! Keep it up!

  2. Congratulations!!
    How’s life in Ca. treating you? Miss Austin yet?

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