
Brokedown Fuji This weekend I took part in a workshop with Wolf Pack Film Group an Austin Film Production company. The workshop was mostly for models and actors to build their portfolios. I was interested in working on some experimental work and networking for the headshot photography side of my business.

I did have one scary moment as I was standing up near the pool at the $3.5 million house we were shooting at. The strap of my camera grabbed a ledge and slammed back down onto the ground just inches away from the edge of the water!!! I was petrified!
After running a couple cards through the camera it appeared that the only damage was to the mode selection ring which took the brunt of the impact. My old Fuji will live to take more pictures!!! YAY!

I’d like to say thanks for Robin Blesch at Wolfpack for putting the workshop together and to Barbara Brinkley from Brinkley Casting for her immense experience and insight.
Thank you to all the models for being great sports and doing all the crazy things we asked of you. Special thanks to Dallas, Stacy, Candice and most definately Carrie.

The weekend was full of great talent and I got a ton of amazing photos. Here are a few of the first round cool ones without much work done to them. I will post some more as they get imported into Lightroom.

Candice - Wolf Pack Film Group Session

Stacy - Wolf Pack Film Group Session

Wolf Pack Film Group Session

Candice - Wolf Pack Film Group Session

Wolf Pack Film Group Session

Stacy - Wolf Pack Film Group Session


2 responses to “WolfPack”

  1. Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the comment Alex

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