Some fresh new things coming

It has been awhile since I have written any blog posts. Many life things have changed, some haven’t. But I am really excited about some upcoming changes to William Bay Photography. This is just a teaser. I know it’s a little mean, but the announcements (yes, more than one) will come soon.

On another note I recently did a portrait photoshoot for a local family here in Austin. I had teamed up with Keep Austin Beautiful and donated a portrait session for one of their charity events. I just shot a couple of weeks ago with the winning family and here are a few of the best photos of the Myers family.

Myers family

Myers family

Myers family

Myers family

Myers family


2 responses to “Some fresh new things coming”

  1. charity events…

    Some weblog software programs, such as WordPress, Movable Type and Community Server, support automatic pingbacks where all the links…

  2. I love your cinematic shoot. Brilliant job.

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