Seth, Jess & little Jaiden

I know Jessica through my best friends Chris and Tanya. Jessica is their cousin, whom I met years ago when Chris and I lived next door to each other downtown. She’s always been a warm, friendly and intelligent person, and I always enjoyed talking to her when she came by. Oh… and then there was the time when she double dog dared me to do the Running Man on top of a table at Chris’s wedding.

Well, Jessica has gone on to build herself an amazing family with her husband Seth, a really incredible guy, and their newest addition, their beautiful daughter Jaiden, who was 14 months old when we took these.

We met up again at Tanya’s son’s birthday party this summer and we talked about doing a session. So a few weeks ago I got up to Seth and Jessica’s place in Encinitas and had some fun photographing in the nearby field with Sully the Weimeraner running all over the place. After that we went down to the beach at Pipes to catch a bit of that good-good light.

Seth sells real estate, and we did some head shots for his business too, which I will post at another time.

I hope you enjoy these.









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