Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding | Swami’s Beach + Casa Qero

I posted a teaser the other day about my latest wedding between mike + Erin. So here are some more photos that fill in more of the story of their lovely beach wedding at Swamis Beach in Encinitas, which is North County San Diego.

Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2347Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2433Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2442Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2455Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2534Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2536Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2537Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2566Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2577Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2578Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2621Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2657Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2713Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2744Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2854Mike + Erin | San Diego Wedding Photographer | ©William Bay Photographic Arts-DSCF2906


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