Help Tammy Help Haiti

Help Tammy Help Haiti - One persons quest to bring fresh water to the poorest area of HaitiI’ve had the good fortune to meet some pretty amazing people through volunteering in Thailand. And a lot of times you tend to lose touch with most of them. It’s often a shame because they are such good people, and they have made quite an impact in your life.

I’ve had the good fortune, though, to connect with one of the old bunch from the Thailand days, and she’s working on a remarkable project. She will be bringing fresh water to an area of Cité Soleil in Haiti.

Her name is Tammy Babcock and she lives in Kingston, Ontario. After visiting Haiti, and the conditions there, she’s been on a one-woman mission to bring Cité Soleil a fresh water tower. The goal is to break ground later this month, the project should take about 3 months to complete.

I highly urge you all to take a few minutes and take a look at her site ( ) to see what the project is all about and why it means so much to her and the people she’s helping. While you are there, consider making a donation to further the people of Cité Soleil’s future. Even $5 or $10 helps to get to her $15,000 goal.

And if you would like to get something out of it in return, you can purchase one of my Signature Fine Art Photo T-shirts, and I will donate half of the profits on all sales through April.

It’s important to remember that even in these tough economic times, we enjoy major conveniences like fresh running water that we can count on every day. You can help bring these people a greater standard of living with just a few bucks!

Thanks for reading,



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