Black and white photo of Tufas at South Tufa Mono Lake.

Bonneville to California

This is #4 in a 4-Parter. Click here for Yesterday’s

Bonneville was surely the highlight for me on this trip. And while I was cold, and my back was twisted in shapes it shouldn’t be, there was still so much ground to cover. The next three days I’d travel through a snowy Nevada, have Steve McQueen’s starter go out on me in Tonopah, drive through the Eastern Sierras, see the Tufas of Mono Lake, and finally limp into the driveway at my good friend Teresa K‘s house, where I stayed with her and her family for a couple days.

It was so much fun! We watched scary movies. I grabbed her husband Tim’s bass, and jammed with their son Mitchell who is quite the guitartist, Tim showed off his motorcycle collection, we talked bikes and Bonneville. It was sad to leave, but Teresa refused to adopt me.

After I left Teresa’s the trip was mostly about making miles instead of photos. I did spend half a day at Mavericks watching the big waves from the cliff though.

And after about 2,000 miles with my paddleboard on the roof rack, I finally got it out for a paddle at Morro Bay. 

And then the final obstacle between me and my bed was LA traffic. 

I hope you enjoyed the series. 


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