Wife and Husband wrestling as kids watch on, and laugh in park. ©William Bay Photographic Arts.

The Banman Clan

What are Sundays like for Jeff, Morgan, and Jeff’s girls Kate & Alex? Well, I got to find out recently. We planned one of my Family Photojournalism photography session to get a slice of life and document their life together.

It started at Jeff and Morgan’s beautiful little home in Linda Vista with Morgan getting ready to go out, and Jeff hanging out with the girls. Getting bored of waiting for Morgan, they decided to go play in the trees in the front yard. And Alex grabbed one of my cameras and became a photographer too.

Once Morgan was done, we all piled into the car and headed down to the Tecolote Shores Park in Mission Bay for a couple really nice formal portraits and the kids (little and big) got to play.


One response to “The Banman Clan”

  1. Jessica Schilling Avatar
    Jessica Schilling

    Wow, this is incredible. I’m so inspired by this type of shoot and how you captured it so naturally!

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