A Press Release – Ooh I feel so grown up!

I’ve recently put out a press release! Hopefully it will end up in the Austin American Statesman. And I’ll become instantly famous!

Former tsunami volunteer to open wedding and portrait photography business in Austin.

The classic story of boy meets Austin girl across the globe, boy and girl fall in love, boy moves to Austin, boy and girl get married, and boy opens wedding photography business.

Austin, TX, (For Immediate Release) February 23, 2008 – As the death toll continued to rise after Christmas 2004, William Bay, Photographer and Candidate Architect, watched on in shock. He knew he was witnessing a powerful event. It became clear that William had to go to Thailand and help in whatever fashion he could.

After closing down his wedding photography business, he flew to Thailand and started right away on a construction site in Khao Lak, the hardest hit area of Thailand.

Four months later he met Austinite Heather Burt, who was also volunteering, teaching English at Thai schools. They hit it off and had a short time together before she left back to Austin.

Eventually William moved to Austin and began working for a local engineer as a CAD drafter. They have since bought a house, become engaged and most recently married just this past summer.

Soon William’s desire to start shooting weddings again began to bubble up.

“It was when I was talking to fellow photographer/friend from San Diego when preparing for Heather’s and my wedding that I remembered the excitement of shooting such a huge day for a couple. It’s a great job! Who wouldn’t want to do that?”

In addition to weddings William has a very unique style of portraiture that is much in line with his personal views on life. No stuffy indoor studios, William insists:

“All of my portrait work is done in natural light, and most often in natural surroundings. Stripping away man-made elements as much as possible to get to the essence of the person being photographed.”
About William Bay Photography

William Bay Photography is now available for wedding and portrait commission work. He likes to discuss wedding plans or portrait ideas with potential clients over margaritas, music and good photos.

William Bay

William Bay Photography


[email protected]



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