New Design Coming, and a Personal Challenge

The Design

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about who I am as a photographer lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that my current site doesn’t reflect what my photography is about. The current design has been up for almost 2 years now and that also has me clamoring for a redesign.

As of now, I have a very close friend of mine working on a new logo, and I’m in the process of a complete website redesign. The redesign will be a ground up, everything: logo, look and feel, navigation, the photography displayed. It will all be new.

The Challenge

A 365 Project is in the works too. A photo and blog post everyday for 365 days. This will officially begin in January and stretch the entire year. But I’m ramping up my posting now so it’s not that much of a shock to me when I have to post every single day.


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