I Was Kicked Out Of The Tribeza Bridal Show!

It’s amazing that in this day and age of openness and businesses helping other like businesses grow, that there still exists an underlying current of jealousy, and pettiness.

I was asked by my good friend, Carissa Hoop at Flora & Fauna, to take pictures of her floral arrangements at the Tribeza Bridal Show at the very nice Stephen F. Austin Intercontinental Hotel. I spent about an hour or so taking pictures of Carissa’s super cool Pavé ball flower arrangements, I grabbed a model, from Ann Kelso Salon, named April, who was wearing a fabulous dress from Alexia Gavela, and took some shots of her holding a bouquet, and even got some shots of some tasty cupcakes at The Cupcake Bar.

After I was done shooting I decided to go around and meet some of the other photographers. I met the delightful couple behind Forever Photography, and saw my new friend Svetlana Frolova from Svetlana Photography.

As I met people there were a couple requests to see my Leather Craftsmen albums. So, when I went down to drop off my camera equipment, I grabbed my two sample albums and started to show those that were interested. Bear in mind, I was not trolling for brides… I totally respect the fact that people paid for their booth, and I was only showing vendors my albums.

At one point some little munchkin, from the magazine, harboring a Napoleon complex walks up and says that I’m going to have to leave, because vendors are complaining. I tell him that I brought it up on request from a couple of the vendors, and I wasn’t talking to any of the brides. He then puts his hand on my shoulder in an effort to usher me out. I politely back away, and say goodbye to Carissa, and leave.

Talk about rediculous.

But, I look at it as a good thing. The more publicity I have means the more visible I am. And how many people can say they’ve been kicked out of a bridal show, or made it onto the Tribeza list of banditos? I need some controversy to make it big.

This is going to be a great year!

Pictures below:






4 responses to “I Was Kicked Out Of The Tribeza Bridal Show!”

  1. Wow! You really got kicked out of the bridal show?! Crazy.
    Anyways, love the photos of the Pavé ball flowers!

  2. Yeah, ridiculous huh? Carissa’s Pavé balls were very awesome! Thanks for the comment.

  3. […] a controversy: I was kicked out of the Tribeza Bridal Show. It may not be a big deal in the local news or anything, (I did rather wish some police or security […]

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