Tag: professional photographers

  • A Very Special Award of Merit

    What a special night! I received an Award of Merit at last night’s Professional Photographer’s of San Diego County. To top it off the subject was my little sister! This is from a session I did with her when she was visiting over Christmas time. I couldn’t be prouder of my lil sis, or the…

  • Standards for Green Photographers

    How to make Wedding Photography Green It seems I got some Photographer’s knickers in a bunch with a post about how we as [intlink id=”green-wedding-photography” type=”post”]wedding photographers and the photography industry in general fail in the realm of environmental responsibility[/intlink], and how their are a few Photographers that take advantage of the word “Green” in…

  • I was accepted into PPSDC.

    Sweet! I was just accepted into the PPSDC which stands for Professional Photographers of San Diego County, which is the PPA local affiliate for San Diego. And what’s even better is that, due to my website design and development background, they have asked me to be on the Board of Directors as the Marketing and…