Saturday April 13th, Imperial Beach and South Bay locals gathered with signs and prepared chants in IB at the pier plaza. Surfrider and Clean Border Water Now was holding its third annual March for Clean Water.
It was only a day after finding out that 120-130 gallons of raw sewage spilled into the beach at La Jolla’s Windansea beach.
130 gallons is a drop in the bucket compared to Imperial Beach, where we measure the constant inundation of raw sewage and chemicals in the millions of gallons.
It’s not a contest La Jolla! IB’s got you beat.
The March, organized by Clean Border Water Now’s Bethany Tennenbaum Case, Shannon Johnson, and Carrie Jiampa, reached close to one hundred strong, marched onto the pier, and down Seacoast accompanied by honks of solidarity and cheers at the sight of the protest signs.
At the finish line, in the shadow of the Dempsey Holder statue, Serge Dedina, California Border Patrol’s Representative Christopher Harris, and Surfrider’s Michael Torti all gave speeches focusing on hope, and continuing to fight for clean water.
The march was officially over when the kids were told they were getting free pizza at Luigi’s across the street.

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