The Elephant Boy, Joshua Tree and Drop Bears

A good photographer friend of mine from Australia, Xanthe Roxburgh was traveling through Los Angeles on her way to New York, and I got a chance to hang out with her while she was staying with another photographer friend of ours Jess Schilling.

We all decided that it would be the greatest thing in the world to drive out to Joshua Tree during Coachella traffic. Good thing Xanthe’s son Arlo was there to entertain us on the drive out with songs about the mythical and highly dangerous Drop Bears of Australia. According to lore, they perch on trees and kill you dead as you walk under.
I remember something about Panda Spiders as well… But I can’t tell what’s real, and what the Aussies make up.

We got out to Joshua Tree with about 20 minutes of light, and we put Arlo in a elephant costume. And we all photographed and reveled in the serene light and silent beauty that Joshua Tree offers until Arlo stepped on some cactus spines…


3 responses to “The Elephant Boy, Joshua Tree and Drop Bears”

  1. Absolutely beautiful! I think the images were worth that drive.

  2. Maria Bernal Avatar
    Maria Bernal

    William, he is so cute. i love it

  3. LOVE Joshua Tree! What a cute kid!!

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