Tag: environment

Standards for Green Photographers

How to make Wedding Photography Green It seems I got some Photographer’s knickers in a bunch with a post about how we as [intlink id=”green-wedding-photography” type=”post”]wedding photographers and the photography industry in general fail in the realm of environmental responsibility[/intlink], and how their are a few Photographers that take advantage of the word “Green” in their marketing. Most of the upset e-mails and comments I got were from photographers that do quite a bit in their lives and business to reduce their carbon footprints. But there were two points that were obviously lost on them: My problem isn’t with those […]

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I’m not a Green Wedding Photographer – And neither are you.

I love the industry trend of Green Weddings right now. I love [intlink id=”green-wedding-dresses” type=”post”]cotton and hemp dresses[/intlink], I love the detail that wedding coordinators are getting into to minimize the impact on the planet. I really do think it’s great that people have that much care for the world to keep even their wedding day low-impact. You see, I grew up surfing in Imperial Beach, which is just a few short miles away from the Tijuana River, I would see it regularly spew out contaminants into the ocean rendering the beaches locked down for fear of Hepatitis outbreaks. At […]

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Green, Hemp, Wedding Dresses

I just came across this great article on environmentally friendly and Green wedding dresses over at Treehugger.com. The article talks about Tara Lynn, a dress designer from Vermont, that designs very lovely dresses out of green products such as silk, cotton, bamboo and hemp! Looking at the dresses, they are very beautiful. But I’ve also heard a rumor that bamboo in clothing is very hard to get into a soft wearable clothing product and the energy and methods in which to do so are actually contradictory to the green movement. I haven’t verified this, but knowing bamboo, I would not […]

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